Book Reviews · Fiction · LGBTQIA Books · Literary Fiction

Detectives of Autumn House | Manjima Misra | Book Review

About The Book:

Author: Manjima Misra
Pages: 65
Genre: Queer Fiction

Detectives of Autumn House is a novella by Manjima Misra. The novella features LGBTQIA+ detectives who solve a case related to intellectual property rights, fake job offer letters, and mysterious disappearances. The book is situated at the unique intersection of detective fiction and queer fiction.

In ‘Detectives of Autumn House’, author Manjima Misra introduces readers to a dynamic ensemble of five female detectives, each a proud member of the LGBTQ community: Gloria Banerjee, Catherine Khan, Pallavi Jones, Lira Jackson, and Alice Singh.

Spanning three engrossing parts, this compact yet compelling narrative offers a tantalizing glimpse into a world of mystery and duty, all within its brisk 65 pages. While the abundance of characters may initially challenge readers, their unique personalities ultimately enrich the story’s tapestry.

Though the transitions between chapters could benefit from smoother navigation, the book’s brisk pace ensures a swift and satisfying read. In sum, ‘Detectives of Autumn House’ earns a solid three out of five stars for its innovative premise, diverse cast, and tantalizing mystery.

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